Newmarket Hypnotherapy
Successful Hypnotherapy in Newmarket
combining Hypnosis, NLP & Time Line Therapy
Hypnotherapy in Ely |
Hypnotherapy Appointments in Ely
Hypnotherapy in Ely: Call 01353 669941 to book an appointment. To find out more visit the Ely Mind Coaching & Hypnotherapy website.
Sessions take place at Ely Hypnotherapy Centre, First Floor, 3A Lynn Road, Ely, CB7 4EG.
For more information visit
Payment can be made by card, cash or cheque.
The Centre is situated close to Ely Cathedral, Ely Hight Street and The Lamb Hotel. There is a small private car park to the rear of the Centre and several local public car parks.
Newmarket Hypnotherapy: Successful hypnotherapy in Newmarket & Ely.