Dan's Blog
My blog has moved to my new website http://www.danreganhypnotherapy.co.uk/dansblog where you can find all the latest tips, techniques and strategies to help you fell better.
So whether you want to overcome anxiety, end panic attacks, increase self confidence or make another positive change in your life, please go to http://www.danreganhypnotherapy.co.uk/.
You can find helpful advice, latest testimonials and grab your FREE hypnosis audio download.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Stop Smoking
If you have been smoking for many years, it can be hard to believe that you can successfully stop smoking for good in just one session.
After all, you’ve tried willpower, patches, E-cigarettes, tablets and who knows what else - and the best you’ve ever achieved is to stop smoking for a short time before your habit took over again.
And maybe there’s a part of you worried about what life without smoking would be like – maybe you are worried that:
- You’ll get more stressed – after all, the cigarettes calm you down
- You’ll get bored easily – because the cigarettes give you a lift
- You won’t have as much fun when you are out socially
- You’ll start eating instead of smoking and put on loads of weight
- You’ll fail and feel even worse about the smell, taste and impact on your health
It’s natural to have some doubts and to wonder what your life free of smoking will be like. What will you do with all those minutes you used to spend smoking?
Weight Loss
Are you looking to achieve successful weight loss in Newmarket? Is it time you enjoyed life being thinner, healthier and happier in yourself?
The good news is that, whether you want to lose a little or a lot, I can help you succeed.
Because in addition to my existing successful weight loss programmes, which have already helped hundreds of people lose weight, I am now able to help you even more with the Hypno Band Weight Loss System.
You may have already heard about the success of the Hypno-Band and virtual gastric band, and as I am a licensed practitioner of the Hypno-Band system in Newmarket, you can also now benefit from this advanced weight loss system.
The Benefits of Weight Loss
All of the advanced hypnotherapy and coaching techniques I use are designed to help you to enjoy the benefits of taking back control over what you eat, when you eat and how you eat.
This means you can:
Stop Smoking
If you are a smoker then I’m sure you know the health consequences of continuing to smoke and the health benefits if you stop smoking. You know that chances are sooner or later your health will be affected and you’ll have to stop doing some of the things you take for granted now.
You probably know that it costs you a lot of money to smoke (although you may not ever work out how much it costs a week/month/year).
And I’m sure you
Anxiety, Stress & Panic Attacks
Are you stressed? Does it just feel like you’ll never be able to get everything done on time? Does it make your head ache and mind feel overwhelmed and exhausted?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then the good news is that hypnotherapy can help you to relax, refocus and handle everything that you face in your daily life.
Unmanageable stress is becoming more of a problem as we all try to cope with the ever increasing demands on our time and energy. It can be easy to feel simply overwhelmed by
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