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Newmarket Hypnotherapy

Successful Hypnotherapy in Newmarket

combining Hypnosis, NLP & Time Line Therapy

Stop Smoking For Good in Newmarket
Stop Smoking


If you have been smoking for many years, it can be hard to believe that you can successfully stop smoking for good in just one session.


After all, you’ve tried willpower, patches, E-cigarettes, tablets and who knows what else - and the best you’ve ever achieved is to stop smoking for a short time before your habit took over again.


And maybe there’s a part of you worried about what life without smoking would be like – maybe you are worried that:


  • You’ll get more stressed – after all, the cigarettes calm you down
  • You’ll get bored easily – because the cigarettes give you a lift
  • You won’t have as much fun when you are out socially
  • You’ll start eating instead of smoking and put on loads of weight
  • You’ll fail and feel even worse about the smell, taste and impact on your health


It’s natural to have some doubts and to wonder what your life free of smoking will be like. What will you do with all those minutes you used to spend smoking?

Stop Smoking Success


Because we all know the major benefits when you stop smoking – for your health, wellbeing and finances – I love it when I receive updates like these:


I'm pleased to say I haven't had a single puff of a cigarette since prior to our session a month ago.

I've gone immediately from a 40 a day habit to being nicotine free as a direct result of your hypnotherapy session and some repeated listens of the follow up CD.

I have no hesitation in recommending you to others and have indeed already done so. Thank you very much.” David, Ely


And this one:


Since our session I haven't had a cigarette at all! Hooray! I can’t tell you how grateful I am - having tried every type of quitting aide including e-cigarettes before and failing miserably, I know that whatever you did has boosted my willpower. I feel better than ever and even my husband’s tobacco laying around the house isn't tempting me!! Thank you so much again.” Gemma, Newmarket


Stop Smoking in Newmarket


Using my powerful techniques, you can stop smoking now in just one session lasting around two and a half hours.


Because I want you to succeed as much as you want to stop smoking I’ll also give you a stop smoking hypnosis CD to reinforce your new healthy lifestyle. And if you want to, you can come back for an additional hour session – it’s more than rare for anyone to come back but I want you to know how much I want to help you stop smoking.


And did I mention you can also come for a FREE initial consultation to find out more about quitting with Newmarket Hypnotherapy before going ahead?


Are you ready to stop smoking now?


All you need to do now is to decide whether you are ready to stop smoking for good – I’ll help you to end your smoking habit, associations and beliefs so that you leave the room as someone who used to smoke and no longer does.


Call me at Newmarket Hypnotherapy on 01638 669933 and ask to book your free initial consultation – and then you can start wondering what you’ll do with all those free minutes, your improved health and all that saved cash.


Dan Regan

Hypnotherapist & Coach

Newmarket Hypnotherapy




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