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Newmarket Hypnotherapy

Successful Hypnotherapy in Newmarket

combining Hypnosis, NLP & Time Line Therapy

Overcome Your Phobia with Newmarket Hypnotherapy
Phobias & Fears

It’s estimated that around 10 million people in the UK suffer from a phobia – an irrational, intense fear of an animal, object, place or situation. The chances are high that either you or someone you know will have a fear of flying, water, heights, spiders, snakes, needles, social situations or some other fear.


Very often when describing whatever it is, the person will say something like “I know it’s silly but…” or “I know that it’s perfectly safe but…” or “I know it’s irrational but…”


Someone with a phobia will often

organise their life to avoid the thing that causes them anxiety and fear. For example, I’ve known people who would rather travel for hours and hours by car to avoid getting on a plance and flying to their holiday destination.


Panic attacks are common and will feel like they come out of nowhere to strike the person with symptoms such as sweating, shaking, hyperventilation, nausea, feeling faint and tightness in the chest.


Recently I worked with a client who had an intense dog phobia – even thinking about dogs would start off the anxiety and being around them would cause panic until she could get away from the situation. It had limited her life by stopping her doing things others do with ease, such as visiting friends who had dogs or going places where there were likely to be lots of dogs about. She had recently had to run (and I mean run) out of a pub and leave her friends behind when the owner’s dog had started moving towards her table.


However, using a unique blend of hypnosis, NLP & Time Line Therapy, her dog phobia became something in the past within just a few sessions.


By the time we had finished working together, she could walk around a park full of dogs without even giving them more than a cursory thought. She had even visited an animal welfare sanctuary and been surrounded by barking dogs without any of the old fear and anxiety.


As she put it: “It’s amazing that this has finally changed, so thank you very much!!!”


What does your phobia stop you doing? Imagine what it would be like to be free of that fear and anxiety – what would it allow you to do?


Contact Dan at Newmarket Hypnotherapy: e-mail  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or speak to me direct on 07724 155715 or book an appointment today by calling 01638 669933.


If you want to find out more then contact me now to arrange a free 30 minute initial consultation so you can find out how right hypnotherapy, hypnosis & NLP are for you.


 Newmarket Hypnotherapy: Successful hypnotherapy, hypnosis and NLP in Newmarket. Call 01638 669933 to book a hypnotherapy appointment at White Tara Complementary Health Centre.




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